10 Warning signs:
· Deliberate self-starvation with weight loss
- Refusal to maintain a normal weight, 15% below ideal body weight
· Intense, persistent fear of gaining weight
- Thoughts of food and weight consume a persons mind 24/7, constantly weight themselves
· Refusal to eat or highly restrictive eating
- Control eating, constantly count calories and fat grams
· Continuous dieting
· Excessive facial/body hair because of inadequate protein in the diet
· Compulsive exercise
· Abnormal weight loss
· Sensitivity to cold
· Absent or irregular menstruation
-Amenorrhea, missing 3 periods or more
· Hair loss
7 Symptoms:
· Preoccupation with food
- characterized by a feeling that one cannot stop or control one’s eating, accompanied by physical or emotional distress.
· Binge eating, usually in secret
- consuming a larger amount of food than most people would eat during the same time period (potentially thousands of calories) within a short period of time (typically 2 hours or less)
· Vomiting after bingeing
-Bingeing and Purging occurs more than 2 x a week for at least 3 months
· Abuse of laxatives, diuretics, diet pills
· Denial of hunger or drugs to induce vomiting
· Compulsive exercise
· Swollen salivary glands
· Broken blood vessels in the eyes
Binge Eating Disorders-
(Unlike bulimia, binge-eating episodes are not followed by purging, excessive exercise fasting)
10 Symptoms:
- Eating even when you're full
- Eating large amounts of food
- Eating rapidly during binge episodes
- Feeling that your eating behavior is out of control
- Eating a lot even though you're not hungry
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Frequent dieting, possibly without weight loss
- Frequently eating alone
- Feeling depressed, disgusted or upset about your eating
- Malnutrition
- Dehydration
- Electrolyte Imbalances
- Hyponatremia - (related to "water-loading")
- Lanugo - (soft downy hair on face, back and arms). This is caused due to a protective mechanism built-in to the body to help keep a person warm during periods of starvation and malnutrition, and the hormonal imbalances that result.
- Edema - swelling of the soft tissues as a result of excess water accumulation.
- Muscle Atrophy
- Impaired Neuromuscular Function
- Paralysis
- Tearing of Esophagus - caused by self-induced vomiting
- Gastric ruptures/bleeding
- Esophageal Reflux - Acid Reflux Disorders
- Cancer - of the throat and voice box (Larynx) due to acid reflux disorders.
- Insomnia
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - continuous and crippling fatigue related to a weakened immune system.
- Swelling - in face and cheeks (following self-induced vomiting).
- Dry Skin and Hair, Brittle Hair and Nails, Hair Loss
- Low Blood Pressure, Hypotension
- High Blood Pressure, Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Kidney Infection and Failure
- Osteoporosis - Thinning of the bones
- Amenorrhea - Loss of Menstrual Cycle.
- Easily Bruising Skin
- Dental Problems, Decalcification of teeth, erosion of tooth enamel, severe decay, Gum Disease
- Liver Failure
- Bad Circulation, Slowed or Irregular Heartbeat, Arrhythmias, Angina, Heart Attack
- Infertility
- Cramps, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, incontinence
- Pancreatitis
- Seizures
- Death